The Red Dress | Love and Emotion in Marriage | A Poem on Marriage

The Red Dress | Emotional Connection in Marriage | A Poem on Marriage | Emotions of Love | Surrender to Love | Bound by Love | Love and Emotion in Marriage


The Red Dress is a Poem in Hindi written by Arbindji Sahay. I requested him if I can publish his poems on this website. After his approval, I started translating it in English before I can present it to you. The depth and emotions in his poems will take you to a different world of imagination.

Poems of Arbindji Sahaya are touched by the experiences of life. Let us read one of his poems “The Red Dress” and its summary in English.

This Poems is purely love and dedication.

The Red Dress ~ A Poem on Love and Emotion in Marriage

सुर्ख लाल जोड़े में, हस्ताक्षर हुयी सौंदर्य की।
तो कई तरंगें गोता लेने लगी मेरे मन में।
जो कह जाती हो हमेशा,
“मेरा मन भाव का भूखा है।”

तुमने कभी सोचा है? मचलती है कितनी,
अंगड़ाइयां मेरे दिल मे, और कहती हैं मुझसे
“डूब के जाओ, अब किनारे की तलाश क्यों करोगे?”

मेरी सुनो!
जानते हो कितने अजातशत्रु, डूबने को आतुर रहे?
लेकिन, द्वार में जो तुमने संकाल चढ़ाये थे !
उतरना तो दूर, छूने की इजाजत भी कहाँ दी किसी को।

एहि सच्चाई है मेरी, ये जोड़ा है पहना तेरे नाम का।
पूछते हो न ! कितनी चाहत रखती हो?
तो ओस की बूंदों की गिनती की है किसी ने?

~ Arbindji Sahay

Stanza 1 ~ Emotions of Love

सुर्ख लाल जोड़े में, हस्ताक्षर हुयी सौंदर्य की।
तो कई तरंगें गोता लेने लगी मेरे मन में।
जो कह जाती हो हमेशा,
“मेरा मन भाव का भूखा है। “


In the deep red attire, I look like a signature of beauty. I look at myself and many thought waves generate in my mind and inner-self. As they say “My mind and inner self is hungry for emotions”.

These lines are beautifully quoted with a view, of how a bride decorated in a beautiful dress thinks about her beloved. She is thinking of her expectations and expressing her feelings. The mind of the girl is wandering with emotions and expectations of love.

Stanza 2 ~ Surrender to Love

तुमने कभी सोचा है? मचलती है कितनी,
अंगड़ाइयां मेरे दिल मे, और कहती हैं मुझसे
“डूब के जाओ, अब किनारे की तलाश क्यों करोगे?”


Have you ever thought? How much the thoughts stir in my heart, and they say “Drown, now why would you search for shore?” Let us flow with the stream. Get drowned and stop searching for the shore.

The emotions are generated in the girl’s mind. Her emotions tell her to flow with the moment. This seems like she does not want to look for any other option. She feels compassionate about the partner that she has chosen. There is no other option she is looking for.

Stanza 3 ~ Bound by Love

मेरी सुनो!
जानते हो कितने अजातशत्रु, डूबने को आतुर रहे?
लेकिन, द्वार में जो तुमने संकाल चढ़ाये थे !
उतरना तो दूर, छूने की इजाजत भी कहाँ दी किसी को।


Listen to me! Do you know how many people, full of lust, or full of desires, wanted to come along? However, the lock you had on my love, I did not let anybody touch it, opening it is no question.

The girl feels the respect and bonding of the love. She wants to emphasize to her beloved that many people wanted to get into a love relationship with her. However, the love of her beloved was so strong that she did not let anyone come into her life. Not even in her thoughts.

I feel that is the girl’s strong bonding with her beloved.

Stanza 4 ~ Guess How Much I Love You

एहि सच्चाई है मेरी, ये जोड़ा है पहना तेरे नाम का।
पूछते हो न ! कितनी चाहत रखती हो?
तो ओस की बूंदों की गिनती की है किसी ने?

This is the absolute truth of my life that the attire or the dress I have worn is of your name. You often ask me! How much I love you? So, tell me if anyone can count the drops of dew.

She wants to tell her beloved that she is ready in a beautiful red dress and ready for marriage. This dress is a symbol of love and a symbol that she accepts her beloved to be her life partner. This beautiful red marriage dress is for her beloved only.

Very beautifully she asks her to be husband or beloved that you often ask me “How much I love you?” and she replies with an infinite measure and quoting that she loves as much as drops of dew are there. They are uncountable and cannot be measured, so her love cannot be measured. It is infinite.

Summary: The Red Dress (A Love Poem)

This poem is written with a view of a girl being married and how the emotions in her mind play. The emotions and thoughts wandering in her mind are beautifully inscribed in the poem.

This poem addresses the thoughts of the girl being married as she is selecting a partner for her whole life. She wants to tell her emotions and the vastness of love that she has for her life partner.

Her love for the beloved is strong and cannot be measured as no one can count the drops of dew.

What do you think? Is the girl going into a marriage with her beloved or is it an arranged marriage? Please comment. Comment about your view on selecting a life partner.

Hope You liked the poems and its meaning.

                                                                                                         ( बस एक कोशिश )

                                                                                                        अरविंद 24/6/2020

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