Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali | A Poem by Mahadevi Verma

“Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali” is a very inspirational poem by Mahadevi Verma. In this poem, Mahadevi Verma has expressed her sensitivity and sentiments in a unique way.

Mahadevi Verma describes her emotional journey in this poem (Ali Main Kan-Kan Ko Jaan Chali), in which she has integrated herself with her sensibilities. The use of the word “Ali” indicates his specialty, which is an expression of the collection of his own travels.

This poem looks at social, spiritual and human values from a Vivekanandian perspective, connecting its readers with the truth of life. Its soulful message and excellent creativity ensure that this poem leaves a deep impact in the hearts and minds of its readers.

Ali, I know every bit of it
I recognized everyone’s cry

~ Mahadevi Verma

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Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali

Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali poem

अलि, मैं कण-कण को जान चली
सबका क्रन्दन पहचान चली

जो दृग में हीरक-जल भरते
जो चितवन इन्द्रधनुष करते
टूटे सपनों के मनको से
जो सुखे अधरों पर झरते,

जिस मुक्ताहल में मेघ भरे
जो तारो के तृण में उतरे,
मै नभ के रज के रस-विष के
आँसू के सब रँग जान चली।

जिसका मीठा-तीखा दंशन,
अंगों मे भरता सुख-सिहरन,
जो पग में चुभकर, कर देता
जर्जर मानस, चिर आहत मन;

जो मृदु फूलो के स्पन्दन से
जो पैना एकाकीपन से,
मै उपवन निर्जन पथ के हर
कंटक का मृदु मत जान चली।

गति का दे चिर वरदान चली।
जो जल में विद्युत-प्यास भरा
जो आतप मे जल-जल निखरा,
जो झरते फूलो पर देता
निज चन्दन-सी ममता बिखरा;

जो आँसू में धुल-धुल उजला;
जो निष्ठुर चरणों का कुचला,
मैं मरु उर्वर में कसक भरे
अणु-अणु का कम्पन जान चली,
प्रति पग को कर लयवान चली।

नभ मेरा सपना स्वर्ण रजत
जग संगी अपना चिर विस्मित
यह शुल-फूल कर चिर नूतन
पथ, मेरी साधों से निर्मित,

इन आँखों के रस से गीली
रज भी है दिल से गर्वीली
मै सुख से चंचल दुख-बोझिल
क्षण-क्षण का जीवन जान चली!
मिटने को कर निर्माण चली!

~ महादेवी वर्मा

Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali meaning

अलि मैं कण-कण को जान चली
Ali is a reference to God. The poet Mahadevi Verma is referring to God that now she knows every bit of pain and experience of life. He says to the God that now she knows every bit of life and she knows the crying of everyone. She must be saying that she knows that everything that exists has a significance in life. 

Here, Mahadevi Verma is referring to the tears. The tears that bring diamond like water droplets to the eyes. The tears that fill the heart with different feelings like colors of the rainbow. When a dream shatters, these tears flow out of emotion and fall on the dry lips.

This is a reference to the tears and the poet compares it with the pearls. The tears that fill the pearls with water droplets, it seems like it is like a shining star in the collection of stars. The poetess wants to say that now she understands every aspect of the tears.

The experience of the poet is nicely composed in this poem. Tears can be of sorrow, happiness, when a dream breaks, a loved one departs and many more situations. Tears in different situation have different feelings and taste. She claims to know all the aspect of tears. She claims to know the crying of everyone.
Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali | A Poem by Mahadevi Verma, ThePoemStory - Poems and Stories, Poems and Stories

Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali | A Poem by Mahadevi Verma, ThePoemStory - Poems and Stories, Poems and Stories
Here the poetess refers to the soil, dust, or the sand that lays on the ground. The soil or dust is always moving with the wind. The soil which is thirsty for the rain. The soil which has blossomed or developed with the burning of the heat and sun. When flowers shed from the branches, this soil covers them with love like sandal. 

The soil which has become like white in color and has been crushed with merciless feet. The poetess refers to the unfertile lose soil and tried to understand its pain. She says that she now knows the pain of this white sand in desert or unfertile land. She understands the pain of every bit of it. And she walks with a rhythm on this soil.

Here the poet talks about the dreams, relatives, good times and bad times. She claims that she knows the pleasant and playful feeling of happiness and the sad and awkward feeling of bad times. With all these feelings she claims that she understands every moment and every feeling of life. 

Lastly, she says that she is doing a creation that is subject to destruction OR a destruction that is for a new creation.
Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali | A Poem by Mahadevi Verma, ThePoemStory - Poems and Stories, Poems and Stories

Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali summary

Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali sabka krandan pehchaan chali

In summary, “Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali poem” is all about the different aspects of life. There are things widely accepted, however, another part is widely neglected. The poet seems to understand the value of each and every thing that exists.

The poetess tries to understand the reason and pain behind everything that has a negative aspect in the society. She tries to understand the reason behind it.

The poem discusses different aspects of life and feeling in every situation. This poem is beautifully written well curated to touch everybody’s heart.

The poem “Ali Main Kan Kan Ko Jaan Chali” gives a vivid and expanded view towards life.

Ali, I know every bit of it
I recognized everyone’s cry

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