Pushp Ki Abhilasha Poem by Makhanlal Chaturvedi | A Flower’s Wish

Pushp Ki Abhilasha Poem Introduction

The poem ‘Pushp Ki Abhilasha’ is an important poetic composition by Makhanlal Chaturvedi, a distinguished poet of Hindi literature. Through this poem, Chaturvedi has highlighted the spirit and patriotism of the time of the Indian freedom struggle. Makhanlal Chaturvedi, the ‘poet of poets’, has given a unique message through this poem which is still relevant and inspiring.

This poem particularly depicts the time when India was fighting for independence. It represents the desire of a flower who wants to make the best use of its life in the service of the country. Thus, ‘Pushp Ki Abhilasha’ is not only an inspirational poem, but it also presents a glimpse of the glorious freedom struggle of our country.

Through the poem, Makhanlal Chaturvedi has expressed the spirit of patriotism and sacrifice. He has depicted how even a simple flower aspires to make the best use of its life in the service of the country. This poem also clarifies the depth of Indian culture and values, where love and devotion towards the country are paramount.

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Pushp Ki Abhilasha Poem

Pushp Ki Abhilasha

Pushp Ki Abhilasha Poem Lyrics

चाह नहीं,
मैं सुरबाला के गहनों में गूँथा जाऊँ।
I don’t want to be woven into the ornaments of a surbala.

चाह नहीं,
प्रेमी-माला में बिंध प्यारी को ललचाऊँ॥
I do not wish to be tied in the garland of a beloved and tempt her.

चाह नहीं,
सम्राटों के शव पर, हे हरि, डाला जाऊँ।
I don’t want to be placed on the bodies of emperors, Oh Lord.

चाह नहीं,
देवों के सिर पर चढूँ, भाग्य पर इठलाऊँ॥
I don’t want to climb on the heads of gods or be proud of my luck.

मुझे तोड़ लेना वनमाली!
उस पथ में देना तुम फेंक॥
मातृ-भूमि पर शीश चढ़ाने।
जिस पथ जावें वीर अनेक॥
O forest-gardener, pluck me and throw me on that path, to sacrifice my life for the motherland, on which many brave men go.

~ Makhanlal Chaturvedi

Pushp Ki Abhilasha Poem Meaning

The below lines from Pushp Ki Abhilasha’s Poem show what the flower does not wish to become or be used for. The flower has a wish different from normal flowers. Normally, we use flowers either for decoration, making garlands, worshipping or putting on dead bodies. However, the wish of this flower is different. Let us look into the detailed meaning of the poem “Pushp Ki Abhilasha”

चाह नहीं,
मैं सुरबाला के गहनों में गूँथा जाऊँ।

चाह नहीं,
प्रेमी-माला में बिंध प्यारी को ललचाऊँ॥

चाह नहीं,
सम्राटों के शव पर, हे हरि, डाला जाऊँ।

चाह नहीं,
देवों के सिर पर चढूँ, भाग्य पर इठलाऊँ॥

The flower does not want to be woven into the ornaments of Surbala. Surbala is a combination of two words, Sur meaning Gods and Bala meaning Women. So, Surbala represents Wives of Gods or Apsaras in Heaven. The flower has no wish to become ornaments of Wives or beloveds of Gods.

The flower does not wish to be woven into a garland that is given to a beloved and tempts her. We see that flowers or garlands of flowers are an object of expressing love. In this context, the garland that is offered to a lady by her beloved and tempts her. However, the flower does not want to be used as an object of lovemaking.

When emperors die, or anybody dies, the dead body is covered with flowers. We offer respect by offering flowers to a dead body. However, even if it is an emperor’s dead body, which is a kind of high position, the flower does not want to be put on it.

We use flowers for worshipping Gods. In Hindu culture, if something is being used for worshipping, becomes of high respect. If your destiny is good or you are lucky, being used for worship is the best you can get. So, the flower does not want to be put on the heads of Gods and feel proud about its luck. Does not even want to be used for worshipping Gods.

We see in the lines of Pushp Ki Abhilasha, that the flower does not want to be used for normal purposes, moreover, it does not want to be used for the highest degree that a flower could attain.

So, what is the wish of the flower in “Pushp Ki Abhilasha” Poem?

मुझे तोड़ लेना वनमाली!
उस पथ में देना तुम फेंक॥
मातृ-भूमि पर शीश चढ़ाने।
जिस पथ जावें वीर अनेक॥

The flower wishes and requests to the Gardener, O! Gardener, pluck me and throw me on the path. Throw me on the path on which many brave people walk to offer their lives for the motherland. The path on which these people walk to offer their heads (शीश चढ़ाने) for the motherland.

Pushp Ki Abhilasha Poem Summary

The main theme of the poem ‘Pushp Ki Abhilasha’ revolves around the desires and feelings of a simple flower. The poem expresses the soul of a flower, which is full of love and a spirit of sacrifice for its motherland. The flower wishes to be trampled under the feet of brave soldiers on the battlefield rather than being part of a king’s garland so that its fragrance and beauty can remain associated with the protectors of the motherland.

Thus, the poem reveals a deep patriotic message, in which even a simple flower wishes to give its all for the motherland. It transforms the ordinariness of the flower into its greatness, which gives the message to the readers that even the smallest of creatures can make a significant contribution to their motherland.

The poem also highlights the flower’s feeling that the greatest ideal of life is to serve and protect the motherland. This theme inspires the readers to adopt the spirit of loyalty and sacrifice towards their country. The resolution of the flower in the poem shows that the highest purpose of her life is to sacrifice for the motherland, thereby validating her usefulness and significance.

The poem ‘Pushp Ki Abhilasha’ thus not only expresses the aspirations of a simple flower but also highlights the ideals of patriotism and service. The message contained in it is extremely relevant and inspiring, which fills the readers with a sense of dedication and loyalty towards their country.

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