Rashmirathi Chapter 1 Part 3 | Karna’s Humiliation and Strong Friendship with Duryodhana

Rashmirathi Chapter 1 Part 3. In this part, we will look into the lines of Rashmirathi by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar as how Karna was humiliated and how Duryodhana became Karna’s friend. In the last parts Rashmirathi Chapter 1 Part 1 and Rashmirathi Chapter 1 Part 2, we are introduced to Karna, read about Krana’s birth story and how he confronts Arjuna during a show that was organized for Arjuna to show his learnings.

Karna challenges and is humiliated as a low caste and Arjuna being a royal blood could not get into a competition with Karna. Let us read next. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar has beautifully portrayed human emotions in his words.

Topics: Karna And Duryodhana, Karna And Duryodhana Friendship, How Did Karna Become King, How Karna Became King Of Anga.

Explore the category: Rashmirathi Translated into English

Rashmirathi Chapter 1 Part 3 Lyrics

Topics: Karna And Duryodhana, Karna And Duryodhana Friendship, How Did Karna Become King, How Karna Became King Of Anga.

कृपाचार्य ने कहा- “वृथा तुम क्रुद्ध हुए जाते हो,
साधारण-सी बात, उसे भी समझ नहीं पाते हो।
राजपुत्र से लड़े बिना होता हो अगर अकाज,
अर्जित करना तुम्हें चाहिये पहले कोई राज।
कर्ण हतप्रभ हुआ तनिक, मन-ही-मन कुछ भरमाया,
सह न सका अन्याय, सुयोधन बढ़ कर आगे आया।
बोला- “बड़ा पाप है करना, इस प्रकार, अपमान,
उस नर का जो दीप रहा हो, सचमुच, सूर्य-समान।
“मूल जानना बड़ा कठिन है नदियों का, वीरों का,
धनुष छोड़कर और गोत्र क्या होता रणधीरों का?
पाते हैं सम्मान तपोबल से भूतल पर शूर,
‘जाति-जाति’ का शोर मचाते केवल कायर, क्रूर।
“किसने देखा नहीं, कर्ण जब निकल भीड़ से आया,
अनायास आतंक एक सम्पूर्ण सभा पर छाया?
कर्ण भले ही सूतपुत्र हो अथवा श्वपच, चमार,
मलिन, मगर, इसके आगे हैं सारे राजकुमार।
“करना क्या अपमान ठीक है इस अनमोल रतन का,
मानवता की इस विभूति का, धरती के इस धन का?
बिना राज्य यदि नहीं वीरता का इसको अधिकार,
तो मेरी यह खुली घोषणा सुने सकल संसार।
“अंगदेश का मुकुट कर्ण के मस्तक पर धरता हूँ,
एक राज्य इस महावीर के हित अर्पित करता हूँ”
रखा कर्ण के सिर पर उसने अपना मुकुट उतार,
गूँजी रंगभूमि में दुर्योधन की जय-जय-कार।

कर्ण चकित रह गया सुयोधन की इस परम कृपा से,
फूट पड़ा मारे कृतज्ञता के भर उसे भुजा से।
दुर्योधन ने हृदय लगाकर कहा- “बन्धु! हो शान्त,
मेरे इस क्षुद्रोपहार से क्यों होता उद्‌भ्रान्त?
“किया कौन-सा त्याग अनोखा, दिया राज यदि तुझको?
अरे, धन्य हो जायँ प्राण, तु ग्रहण करे यदि मुझको।
कर्ण और गल गया, “हाय, मुझपर भी इतना स्नेह!
वीर बन्धु! हम हुए आज से एक प्राण, दो देह।
“भरी सभा के बीच आज तूने जो मान दिया है,
पहले-पहल मुझे जीवन में जो उत्थान दिया है।
उऋण भला होऊँगा उससे चुका कौन-सा दाम?
कृपा करें दिनमान कि आऊँ तेरे कोई काम।”
घेर खड़े हो गये कर्ण को मुदित, मुग्ध पुरवासी,
होते ही हैं लोग शूरता-पुजन के अभिलाषी।
चाहे जो भी कहे द्वेष, ईर्ष्या, मिथ्या, अभिमान,
जनता निज आराध्य वीर को, पर लेती पहचान।
लगे लोग पूजने कर्ण को कुंकुम और कमल से,
रंग-भूमि भर गयी चतुर्दिक् पुलकाकुल कलकल से।
विनयपूर्ण प्रतिवन्दन में ज्यों झुका कर्ण सविशेष,
जनता विकल पुकार उठी, ‘जय महाराज अंगेश!’
‘महाराज अंगेश!’ तीर-सा लगा हृदय में जा के,
विफल क्रोध में कहा भीम ने और नहीं कुछ पा के-
“हय की झाड़े पूँछ, आज तक रहा यही तो काज,
सूतपुत्र किस तरह चला पायेगा कोई राज?”
दुर्योधन ने कहा- “भीम! झूठे बकबक करते हो,
कहलाते धर्मज्ञ, द्वेष का विष मन में धरते हो।
बड़े वंश से क्या होता है, खोटे हों यदि काम?
नर का गुण उज्ज्वल चरित्र है, नहीं वंश-धन-धाम।
सचमुच ही तो कहा कर्ण ने, तुम्हीं कौन हो, बोलो?
जनमें थे किस तरह? ज्ञात हो, तो रहस्य यह खोलो।
अपना अवगुण नहीं देखता, अजब जगत् का हाल,
निज आँखों से नहीं सुझता, सच है, अपना भाल।”
कृपाचार्य आ पड़े बीच में, बोले-“छिः! यह क्या है?
तुम लोगों में बची नाम को भी क्या नहीं हया है?
चलो, चलें घर को, देखो; होने को आयी शाम,
थके हुए होगे तुम सब, चाहिये तुम्हें आराम।”

~ Ramdhari Singh Dinkar

Meaning of the Poem

Topics: Karna And Duryodhana, Karna And Duryodhana Friendship, How Did Karna Become King, How Karna Became King Of Anga

How Karna Became King Of Anga

कृपाचार्य ने कहा- “वृथा तुम क्रुद्ध हुए जाते हो,
साधारण-सी बात, उसे भी समझ नहीं पाते हो।
राजपुत्र से लड़े बिना होता हो अगर अकाज,
अर्जित करना तुम्हें चाहिये पहले कोई राज।

As Karna challenged Arjuna, Kripacharya came forward and said “O! Karna You are getting angry without a cause. This is simple; however, you are unable to understand it. If you need to fight or compete with royal blood, if it is something that cannot be avoided, you will have to gain a kingdom. You acquire a kingdom and then you can compete with a royal blood.”

As Arjuna was a Kshatriya (Royal or Warrior Blood) and Karna was a low caste, he was humiliated and forbidden from competing with Arjuna.

कर्ण हतप्रभ हुआ तनिक, मन-ही-मन कुछ भरमाया,
सह न सका अन्याय, सुयोधन बढ़ कर आगे आया।
बोला- “बड़ा पाप है करना, इस प्रकार, अपमान,
उस नर का जो दीप रहा हो, सचमुच, सूर्य-समान।

Karna was taken aback by these words from Kripacharya. He became a bit surprised and started to get demoralized. He was humiliated and this was the time when Suyodhana (real name of Duryodhana) came forward in support of Karna. Duryodhana said, “It is a sin to disrespect and humiliate a man shining and glorious like a Sun.”

Here we see that Karna was humiliated and despite his marvelous skills, he was not allowed to compete with Arjuna what was its base? It depended upon the class and caste in which a person was born. This is enough to demoralize a skilled person. However, here Duryodhana came forward and supported Karna. There can be 2 aspects of it.

Duryodhana had a rivalry with Pandavas and looking at the talent that Karna had, he might have thought that if he supported Karna, he would get the support of Karna in return, and he could use him against Pandavas. Another aspect can be, that Duryodhana took pity on Karna and supported a great cause. However, both these aspects elevated Karna’s morale.

“मूल जानना बड़ा कठिन है नदियों का, वीरों का,
धनुष छोड़कर और गोत्र क्या होता रणधीरों का?
पाते हैं सम्मान तपोबल से भूतल पर शूर,
‘जाति-जाति’ का शोर मचाते केवल कायर, क्रूर।

It is very tough to find the origin of Rivers, and thus the origin of brave and courageous people. There is no caste or clan of brave people other than their bow and arrows. Brave and courageous people get respect for their bravery and valor and those who care and discriminate against class or clan, are cowards and cruel.

“किसने देखा नहीं, कर्ण जब निकल भीड़ से आया,
अनायास आतंक एक सम्पूर्ण सभा पर छाया?
कर्ण भले ही सूतपुत्र हो अथवा श्वपच, चमार,
मलिन, मगर, इसके आगे हैं सारे राजकुमार।

Duryodhana continues, “Who did not see when Karna came out of the crowd? His presence was enough to terrorize the crowd. His presence was strong and could not be ignored. Whatever is the clan of Karna, he is the son of a charioteer, be it a cobbler, or any low caste that you would consider, before his presence, no royal blood can stand. Being from a low clan his presence and aura is brighter than any royal prince.”

This I take as a satire on the society. Though people can see it and it is evident that Karna had great talents, however, the society runs on a low-value rule that served as a base of discrimination. Karna was not given a chance to compete because he was not born with royal blood. However, he was of royal blood but was not accepted. [Read: Why Kunti Abandoned Karna]

How Duryodhana Became Karna’s Friend

Karna and Duryodhana Friendship Story in English

“करना क्या अपमान ठीक है इस अनमोल रतन का,
मानवता की इस विभूति का, धरती के इस धन का?
बिना राज्य यदि नहीं वीरता का इसको अधिकार,
तो मेरी यह खुली घोषणा सुने सकल संसार।

Is it justified to humiliate and disrespect such a precious and priceless gem as a human? Is it justified to humiliate such a great treasure of humanity? If his bravery cannot be proved for a reason that he does not have a kingdom, everybody should listen to this announcement.

Duryodhana announces in front of everyone. And this announcement and action paved the way for Karna and Duryodhana’s friendship. The next lines will tell you Karna and Duryodhana friendship story in English.

How Did Karna Become King Of Anga

“अंगदेश का मुकुट कर्ण के मस्तक पर धरता हूँ,
एक राज्य इस महावीर के हित अर्पित करता हूँ”
रखा कर्ण के सिर पर उसने अपना मुकुट उतार,
गूँजी रंगभूमि में दुर्योधन की जय-जय-कार।

Duryodhana made a move that was a surprise for everybody. He came forward and announced, “I put the crown of Anga kingdom on his head. I give one kingdom to such a brave person and for his welfare.” Upon saying this, Duryodhana put his crown on Karna’s head in front of everyone. The crowd shouted out loud in praise of Duryodhana. The crowd hailed Duryodhana for his act of kindness.

Duryodhana gifted a kingdom to Karna. He made him the king of Anga. Since then Karna has been known as Angaraj Karna or Angesh. Which means the king of the Anga Kingdom. If that was a requirement as per Kripacharya, not Karna had a kingdom.

कर्ण चकित रह गया सुयोधन की इस परम कृपा से,
फूट पड़ा मारे कृतज्ञता के भर उसे भुजा से।
दुर्योधन ने हृदय लगाकर कहा- “बन्धु! हो शान्त,
मेरे इस क्षुद्रोपहार से क्यों होता उद्‌भ्रान्त?

Karna was surprised by this act of Duryodhana. He hugged him into his arms and cried. Duryodhana held him close and said, “Calm down my friend. This is a small gift from me for our friendship. Why do you feel so obliged to a small gift?”

Duryodhana started a friendship with Karna, and he mentioned that giving a kingdom to you is a small gift and it is nothing compared to our friendship. Karna was always humiliated as a low-caste person and suddenly Duryodhana made him a king. Karna was surprised and for this kind act, he always remained the best and most trustworthy friend of Duryodhana. We will learn later in Rashmirathi poem as how Karna rejects even the throne of heaven for this friendship.

“किया कौन-सा त्याग अनोखा, दिया राज यदि तुझको?
अरे, धन्य हो जायँ प्राण, तु ग्रहण करे यदि मुझको।
कर्ण और गल गया, “हाय, मुझपर भी इतना स्नेह!
वीर बन्धु! हम हुए आज से एक प्राण, दो देह।

Duryodhana says “I have not made any great sacrifice by giving a kingdom to you”. Duryodhana proposes his friendship to Karna by saying “If you accept my friendship, my life will be blessed”. These were the kind words by Duryodhana that worked as a foundation of Karna and Duryodhana’s friendship. It simply meant that a kingdom is an inferior gift and O! Karna, your friendship is something that will make my life blessed.

Karna’s heart melted more with these kind words. First Duryodhana gave him a kingdom and now he is requesting a friendship. He thinks, even I can be loved so much. Since childhood, no one except her mother Radha had not shown such respect and affection to him. He is surprised as if even he can be loved so much. O! Brave brother from now we become 2 bodies but one soul or life.

Such a great story of Karna and Duryodhana friendship. Isn’t it?

“भरी सभा के बीच आज तूने जो मान दिया है,
पहले-पहल मुझे जीवन में जो उत्थान दिया है।
उऋण भला होऊँगा उससे चुका कौन-सा दाम?
कृपा करें दिनमान कि आऊँ तेरे कोई काम।”

The conversation continues. Karna says “O! Duryodhana, you have given me such respect in this gathering full of people, this is the first time that someone has given me such an elevation in my life. I will never be able to pay this debt, what kind of re-payment I can pay for this act of kindness and friendship? Please allow me that someday, I can become useful to you. Let me know if I can do something for you one day.”

The respect that Duryodhana had given to Karna was the first time in his life. With the act of kindness by Duryodhana, Karna remained a lifelong friend and obliged to Duryodhana.

घेर खड़े हो गये कर्ण को मुदित, मुग्ध पुरवासी,
होते ही हैं लोग शूरता-पुजन के अभिलाषी।
चाहे जो भी कहे द्वेष, ईर्ष्या, मिथ्या, अभिमान,
जनता निज आराध्य वीर को, पर लेती पहचान।
लगे लोग पूजने कर्ण को कुंकुम और कमल से,
रंग-भूमि भर गयी चतुर्दिक् पुलकाकुल कलकल से।
विनयपूर्ण प्रतिवन्दन में ज्यों झुका कर्ण सविशेष,
जनता विकल पुकार उठी, ‘जय महाराज अंगेश!’

People surrounded Karna and were enchanted by his presence. People indeed aspire to worship the brave and have respect for bravery. Whatever you term it, jealousy, rivalry, a lie, or pride. People recognize their respectful brave person.

People started worshipping Karna with lotus and kumkum, the amphitheater, or the place filled with happy sounds from all directions. Karna bowed respectfully to the crowd and as he did so, the people made a loud call in praise of Karna. Jai Maharaj Angesh! (Hail King Angesh – The king of Anga Kingdom).

‘महाराज अंगेश!’ तीर-सा लगा हृदय में जा के,
विफल क्रोध में कहा भीम ने और नहीं कुछ पा के-
“हय की झाड़े पूँछ, आज तक रहा यही तो काज,
सूतपुत्र किस तरह चला पायेगा कोई राज?”

Maharaj Angesh! (The king of Anga) it felt like an arrow in Karna’s heart. He was overwhelmed by this feeling of being called a King. He had always been called a sootputra or son of a charioteer and everyone reminded him of his low caste. Now he was called a king.

Bheem looking at all this felt helpless and could not understand what to say and spoke “Till now the work of Karna was to clean the tail of horses. How will this son of a charioteer be able to run a kingdom?”

Bheema (2nd eldest brother of Pandavas) was jealous by seeing all this and he found nothing to say. So, he objected by saying that Karna had taken care of horses all his life and he would not be able to run a kingdom.

दुर्योधन ने कहा- “भीम! झूठे बकबक करते हो,
कहलाते धर्मज्ञ, द्वेष का विष मन में धरते हो।
बड़े वंश से क्या होता है, खोटे हों यदि काम?
नर का गुण उज्ज्वल चरित्र है, नहीं वंश-धन-धाम।

Listening to the words by Bheema, Duryodhana says: “Bheem! you are blabbering without a reason, you are considered to know dharma, yet you hold the poison of rivalry and jealousy inside. Nothing happens if you are born into a big clan or high caste if your deeds are low and immoral. The real property and attributes of a person is his bright character and not the clan or caste he takes birth in.”

सचमुच ही तो कहा कर्ण ने, तुम्हीं कौन हो, बोलो?
जनमें थे किस तरह? ज्ञात हो, तो रहस्य यह खोलो।
अपना अवगुण नहीं देखता, अजब जगत् का हाल,
निज आँखों से नहीं सुझता, सच है, अपना भाल।”

Duryodhana continues “What Karna spoke is not a lie. If you know then speak about yourself. Will you tell people, your reality? How were you born? If you know, then tell this mystery to everyone. Read the story of the birth of Karna and other Pandavas.

Duryodhana says “This is the ironical behavior of the world that they do not see their shortcomings. No one ever says that he faults himself. It is similar to the situation that one cannot see his forehead with his eyes.”

कृपाचार्य आ पड़े बीच में, बोले-“छिः! यह क्या है?
तुम लोगों में बची नाम को भी क्या नहीं हया है?
चलो, चलें घर को, देखो; होने को आयी शाम,
थके हुए होगे तुम सब, चाहिये तुम्हें आराम।”

This was a smart move or you can say how elders should behave. Kripacharya interrupted both parties and told them that it was not good to blame or fight among themselves. He asks if they have some shame.

Rashmirathi Chapter 1 Part 3 Summary

So we read about how Karna was humiliated because of his low caste and being the son of a charioteer. He was not allowed to compete with Arjuna and was asked if he had some kingdom. Duyodhana came forward supported Karna and made him the king of Anga Kingdom too. He proposed to Karna for friendship and since then they have become good friends.

Rashmirathi is written beautifully by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar and acts as a source of Inspiration, teaches morals and beautifully depicts human nature. Dinkar had a unique way of storytelling.

I hope you liked the poem and translation. Keep reading.

Topics We Covered In This Post: Rashmirathi Chapter 1 Part 3, Karna And Duryodhana, Karna And Duryodhana Friendship, How Did Karna Become King, How Karna Became King Of Anga

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