Need Ka Nirman Fir Fir | An Inspiring Poem by Harivansh Rai Bachchan

Need Ka Nirman Fir Fir | Need Ka Nirman Phir | Need Ka Nirman | A Poem by Harivansh Rai Bachchan | Need Ka Nirman by Harivansh Rai Bachchan | Need Ka Nirman Phir


Need Nirman Phir Phir is a beautiful poem by Harivansh Rai Bachchan. This is one of my favorite Harivansh Rai Bachchan poems. Need ka Nirman means rebuilding a house or dwelling. Need (नीड़ ) means dwelling or nest.

Be it a living space, be it a dream, poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan encourages reconstruction or reconstruction. The creation of the poem Nid is written in Hindi. I will try to bring in its real meaning with the hope that it fulfills the feelings that the poet wants to put into the poem. Hope you like it.

Keywords: Need Ka Nirman Fir Fir, Need Ka Nirmaan, A Poem by Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Need Ka Nirman by Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Summary of Need ka nirman

You must read Agneepath or Ek Bagal Me Chand Hoga on our website.

Need Ka Nirman Fir Fir | A Poem by Harivansh Rai Bachchan

नीड़ का निर्माण फिर-फिर,
नेह का आह्वान फिर-फिर!

वह उठी आँधी कि नभ में
छा गया सहसा अँधेरा,
धूलि धूसर बादलों ने
भूमि को इस भाँति घेरा,

रात-सा दिन हो गया, फिर
रात आ‌ई और काली,
लग रहा था अब न होगा
इस निशा का फिर सवेरा,

रात के उत्पात-भय से
भीत जन-जन, भीत कण-कण
किंतु प्राची से उषा की
मोहिनी मुस्कान फिर-फिर!

नीड़ का निर्माण फिर-फिर,
नेह का आह्वान फिर-फिर!

वह चले झोंके कि काँपे
भीम कायावान भूधर,
जड़ समेत उखड़-पुखड़कर
गिर पड़े, टूटे विटप वर,

हाय, तिनकों से विनिर्मित
घोंसलो पर क्या न बीती,
डगमगा‌ए जबकि कंकड़,
ईंट, पत्थर के महल-घर;

बोल आशा के विहंगम,
किस जगह पर तू छिपा था,
जो गगन पर चढ़ उठाता
गर्व से निज तान फिर-फिर!

नीड़ का निर्माण फिर-फिर,
नेह का आह्वान फिर-फिर!

क्रुद्ध नभ के वज्र दंतों
में उषा है मुसकराती,
घोर गर्जनमय गगन के
कंठ में खग पंक्ति गाती;

एक चिड़िया चोंच में तिनका
लि‌ए जो जा रही है,
वह सहज में ही पवन
उंचास को नीचा दिखाती!

नाश के दुख से कभी
दबता नहीं निर्माण का सुख
प्रलय की निस्तब्धता से
सृष्टि का नव गान फिर-फिर!

नीड़ का निर्माण फिर-फिर,
नेह का आह्वान फिर-फिर!

~ Harivansh Rai Bachchan

Keywords: Need Ka Nirman Fir Fir, Need Ka Nirmaan, A Poem by Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Need Ka Nirman by Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Summary of Need ka nirman

Need Ka Nirman Phir (verse 1)

नीड़ का निर्माण फिर-फिर,
नेह का आह्वान फिर-फिर!

वह उठी आँधी कि नभ में
छा गया सहसा अँधेरा,
धूलि धूसर बादलों ने
भूमि को इस भाँति घेरा,

रात-सा दिन हो गया, फिर
रात आ‌ई और काली,
लग रहा था अब न होगा
इस निशा का फिर सवेरा,

रात के उत्पात-भय से
भीत जन-जन, भीत कण-कण
किंतु प्राची से उषा की
मोहिनी मुस्कान फिर-फिर!

नीड़ का निर्माण फिर-फिर,
नेह का आह्वान फिर-फिर!

Literal meaning

Rebuilding the residence and rekindling love or restarting love again and again.

The poet then paints a scene of destruction. The storm rose towards the sky and suddenly there was darkness all around. Clouds full of dust and filth covered the earth in such a way that it was filled with darkness.

The day has changed as if it has become night and has not ended. Night also came in its time, and it got dark. Due to the intensity of the darkness, it seemed that there would be no dawn. There will be no morning in this never ending night.

Everyone is scared of the devastation caused by the storm that came in the night. It scared the humans and it scared every particle of existence. However, dawn broke. Dawn came with the light. And with the light of dawn it looked like a happy smile.

This gives inspiration to build the nest again and again and love is established in it again and again.

Interpreted Meaning

The scene of destruction and storm is said to be a difficult time in life or a difficult situation. Sometimes it becomes so intense that you feel that you will not be able to come out of the situation. You feel that this bad time will never end. No matter how bad the time, no matter how bad the situation, it will pass. So keep positivity inside you.

If a bird’s nest is destroyed in a storm, it does not stop rebuilding it when the storm is over. So, be like that bird. Circumstances will come and go in life. Dreams will be shattered. However, you need to rebuild and rebuild and you need to do it over and over again.

Keywords: Need Ka Nirman Fir Fir, Need Ka Nirmaan, A Poem by Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Need Ka Nirman by Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Summary of Need ka nirman

Need Ka Nirman Phir (verse 2)

वह चले झोंके कि काँपे
भीम कायावान भूधर,
जड़ समेत उखड़-पुखड़कर
गिर पड़े, टूटे विटप वर,

हाय, तिनकों से विनिर्मित
घोंसलो पर क्या न बीती,
डगमगा‌ए जबकि कंकड़,
ईंट, पत्थर के महल-घर;

बोल आशा के विहंगम,
किस जगह पर तू छिपा था,
जो गगन पर चढ़ उठाता
गर्व से निज तान फिर-फिर!

नीड़ का निर्माण फिर-फिर,
नेह का आह्वान फिर-फिर!

Literal Meaning

The poet further describes the scene of destruction. The storm was so strong and the winds were so strong that it shook the huge and strong trees. Those huge and strong trees were uprooted and fell on the ground. Those big trees could not stand in front of the strong wind.

Alas! When strong winds uprooted huge trees, there was no way for the twig nests to survive. They might have been scattered, never to meet again. The storm shook the houses made of concrete and stone, how will the nest made of twigs survive? it was destroyed.

The poet asks the bird, tell me! Hopeful partner Where were you hiding in hope? After a disastrous night, your nest is razed and you’re still singing proudly. You’re riding the winds again and singing with pride again? It should be tremendous positivity and hope.

You will nest again and be filled with love. You’ll do it over and over again.

Interpreted Meaning

This is a common scenario and must have been seen by all. Even when the storm destroys everything, the birds sing. I remember a quote from “Rose Kennedy” about birds.

“Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them?”

— Rose Kennedy

In this stanza, poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan takes inspiration from birds and asks them how courageous and positive are you? Your nest got ruined in the storm and you started singing again in the sun.

Isn’t it that after a tough time or after losing your dream or something in your life, as a human being you should not waste time crying for the lost things, but, what you still have celebrate? Shouldn’t you try again? Shouldn’t you be working on your dreams again? Think about it. This is a great inspiration that you can learn from birds.

Need Ka Nirman Phir (verse 3)

क्रुद्ध नभ के वज्र दंतों
में उषा है मुसकराती,
घोर गर्जनमय गगन के
कंठ में खग पंक्ति गाती;

एक चिड़िया चोंच में तिनका
लि‌ए जो जा रही है,
वह सहज में ही पवन
उंचास को नीचा दिखाती!

नाश के दुख से कभी
दबता नहीं निर्माण का सुख
प्रलय की निस्तब्धता से
सृष्टि का नव गान फिर-फिर!

नीड़ का निर्माण फिर-फिर,
नेह का आह्वान फिर-फिर!

Literal Meaning

This verse from the poem Need Ka Nirman by Harivansh Rai Bachchan will fill you with positivity and hope. He says, after a stormy night there is hope for a beautiful morning. You can imagine a beautiful morning in a stormy night full of lightning. There are thunder clouds and you expect a beautiful bird song. A beautiful bird song is hidden in the voice of a thundering cloud.

Look at a bird that is carrying a twig in its beak, it is just defying the might of the winds and storms. The strength of the winds is nothing in front of this determined bird.

The grief of destruction can never suppress the joy of creation. The silence after destruction is a time of rebuilding. After the destruction is over, comes the beautiful song of rebuilding. It’s time to rebuild your dreams.

Interpreted Meaning

The meaning of this verse is hope. When bad times come, you have to fight and struggle with the hope that good times will come. In a bad situation, it is always good to imagine the time after this situation is over. In one line I would say “No situation is permanent. Be prepared for good times as well as bad times.” This hope of positivity gives you a reason to fight.

Imagine, if you are going through bad times and you always feel that everything is over. You will never be encouraged to fight. If you lose hope, you lose everything. That is if you imagine that after the bad times are over, you will enjoy it. You will fight the situation.

Learn from the little bird, even after everything is destroyed, she is still picking up a twig to build her nest. If she continues to worry that the nest will be destroyed again in the next storm, she will not make the effort.

If something is destroyed, it doesn’t mean that you can’t rebuild it. The power of destruction itself gives the idea of re-creation. Suppose, if nothing is destroyed in this world, then why would you need to create something again?

So keep building on your dreams, your love and your aspirations over and over again. It doesn’t matter how many times they break, but you need to rebuild them every time.

Brief Summary ~ Need Ka Nirman by Harivansh Rai Bachchan

In this poem, Harivansh Rai Bachchan inspires and encourages you to live your life with positivity and courage. Good and bad situations will keep coming in life. During bad situation you need to have hope and fight with courage. Take the example of a small bird. If such a tiny bird can sing and rebuild its nest after a storm, why can’t you?

Fill your life with positivity and don’t cry for what is lost. Instead celebrate what you have. Which will make your life happy and worth living.

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