Alex’s Bicycle – A Moral Story

Alex's Bicycle - A Moral Story

Alex’s Bicycle is a moral story. In this story, we will read about Alex’s desires and how he lost what he had. This is a moral story in English. This is one of my short moral story written by me. A short moral story in English. I have written many stories in English. Upon a positive response from you, I will publish more. Please read and share if you like.

Keywords: Alex’s Bicycle, A Moral Story, A Moral Story in English, A Short Moral Story, A Short Moral Story in English

Alex & His Family

There lived a poor farmer in a village. He worked hard in his fields to meet his ends. He had a son “Alex” and a wife “Lucy”. Alex used to go to school and Lucy looked around the house. The farmer was satisfied with what he had and the family was living happily. The food, clothes, and other basic needs were sufficiently fulfilled.

One day, Alex came from school and demanded a new bicycle from his father. The farmer said, “You already have a bicycle, and it is in good condition to ride to school”.

“But it is the old father. My all friends come on a new bicycle and I too have a desire to get a new bicycle”.

At that time, the farmer consoled his son, that he will get him a new bicycle.

Time passed, and Alex would ask almost every day when he would get his bicycle. The farmer would make some excuse and say “We will get you a new bicycle”.

Keywords: Alex’s Bicycle, A Moral Story, A Moral Story in English, A Short Moral Story, A Short Moral Story in English

Alex’s Plan

After waiting for a month or so, Alex thought that his father is not going to get him a bicycle. At least till he has the old one. So, he decided to get rid of the old bicycle.

One the way to school there was an empty well. While crossing the well one day, an idea came to his mind.

The houses in villages generally have an open area outside the house. So, on the day of the plan execution, he parked his old bicycle in the open area.

After dinner, when the farmer and his wife went to deep sleep, Alex woke up and sneaked to the place where the bicycle was parked. He silently took the bicycle and after going some distance, he started riding it towards the school. He planned to reach the empty well on the way.

The night was dark and only the moonlight was a source of light. Somehow, Alex was able to reach the well and he lifted his bicycle and threw it in the well. The well was deep and as the old bicycle went to the bottom, it made a loud noise. However, nobody was there to hear the noise.

Alex then ran towards his home and sneaked back to his bed. He was sleepless as he had to prepare the next plan.

Keywords: Alex’s Bicycle, A Moral Story, A Moral Story in English, A Short Moral Story, A Short Moral Story in English

Alex’s Second Plan

The morning, Alex did not come out of bed. He was lying and was waiting for the noise to go around. Lucy went out of the house first and cried “Where is the bicycle?”

Hearing it, the farmer came out and was shocked to see that the bicycle was not there. He woke up Alex, who was not sleeping. Alex came out and pretended that he is not aware of anything.

“Dad, I parked my bicycle right there. Someone might have stolen it.”

He was conscious enough not to discuss a new bicycle or make a demand right away as it might raise suspicion. So, he decided to keep quiet and just discuss the bicycle being stolen.

Keywords: Alex’s Bicycle, A Moral Story, A Moral Story in English, A Short Moral Story, A Short Moral Story in English

The Unforeseen

Corn field Destroyed in Rain

A few days passed away and now was the time to discuss buying a new bicycle. People of the village searched and tried to find the bicycle for a few days and then eventually the pursuit stopped. Nobody ever thought of checking well.

Alex was prepared for it as well. If the bicycle is found in the well, he was ready to blame an unknown thief. But, he was happy that the old bicycle could not be found.

One day, he came from school and complained that he is too tired walking to the school. He asked his father to get a new bicycle.

The Farmer promised that in a few days, the Maze crop will be ready. The crop was good and would yield good money this time. Once he sells the crop and gets money, he will buy a bicycle. Being a father he could understand that he should get it for his son.

Alex was happy and started dreaming about the new bicycle. However, destiny was not on the farmer’s side.

Since evening there were dark clouds in the sky. By nightfall, it started raining. By midnight, the intensity of the rain increased. Now, there was a hailstorm that started. Big boulders of ice started falling from the sky. It lasted for about an hour. That was enough time to destroy crops in the field.

In the morning, when the rain and storm stopped, all farmers came out of the house and ran towards the field only to find the destroyed crops.

The Farmer fainted and became unconscious. All his hard work was destroyed in one night.

Alex’s Loss

The loss of the crop affected farmers and Alex’s father. However, Alex’s dream was shattered. He ran towards the well as he know he would not get a new bicycle now. He did not even dare to ask his father about it.

He was running with all his strength towards the well. When he reached it, he lost all hope, the well was full of water and it was impossible to take out the bicycle. It was Alex’s loss.

To get something new, he lost what he had. Now he does not have his old bicycle even.

Moral of the Story

I hope you got the moral of the story. Okay, this is a story written by me. This is my first story, so please excuse if there are mistakes. Please comment and provide suggestions. I would like to improve on it.

Alex had an old bicycle which was working okay. He was going to school on a bicycle. But his desire to get the new bicycle put him in a situation where he lost the old one as well.

There are things in front of us. Rather than respecting it, we try to get more new things. In pursuit of getting new things, we lose old and useful things as well.

Be it an appliance, bet it a relationship. We never feel contained with what we have. That is the reason for all stress and all problems.

Respect what you have, do not look at others for what they have. Be happy with what you have got. Thank god for what he has given you. isn’t it?

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