Table of Contents
Introduction – Meditation
Are you looking for a real meditation technique? Read this post. Our lives have become hectic and demanding. Everyone is trying to find a moment of peace and tranquility. This search for peace is becoming difficult day by day. The world today is struggling with distractions and noise, and everyone is so busy that they get very limited time to sit in peace or silence.
As per my observation, when they get some free time, they stick to their mobile phones. A time of peace for many of them is watching Netflix or listening to loud music. However, at the same time, they can do something meaningful and meditative.
I am writing this blog after observing different aspects and meanings of meditation that people follow and how meditation can help in building an impact on your well-being.
~Real Meditation Technique, Be Meditative Do Not Just Meditate, How to Remain Meditative, What is Meditation, How does Meditation work ~
Meditation is a practice of self-realization and turning your senses inwards. Meditation should be able to help you in being mindful and accept the presence of everyone. It helps you in not being judgmental in anyone’s thoughts, rather being rational and mutual acceptance. So, it is a practice to be able to realize your inner self before you can look at the outer world. A practice for self-development.
Meditation has great potential to transform you. It can change your perception of yourself and how you connect with the world outside. It is a way that enables you to observe your thoughts and thoughts being mindful. It helps you to be strong and not be blown away by your emotions and thoughts. For example, your anger, your affection, or any action that you may take due to these feelings, meditation will help you in controlling them.
With meditation, you can understand the patterns of your thoughts, and be aware of your actions and behaviors. It teaches you not to react to a situation, but, to respond to a situation mindfully.
So, many people claim you to teach meditation in 30 days. You might think meditating for 20 minutes daily should help in improving your lifestyle. Meditation can help you in reducing stress, improve emotional health, and improve focus and creativity. It is an overall improvement of your life and all its aspects.
~Real Meditation Technique, Be Meditative Do Not Just Meditate, How to Remain Meditative, What is Meditation, How does Meditation work ~
So, how much meditation is your need? How many hours should be meditating every day? Is it like you meditate every day for 30 minutes and then indulge in the same rat race that is causing you stress? So, what and how exactly you should meditate? I am not someone to teach you meditation, rather, I can tell you how to be meditative every day, every minute, and every moment.
What is Meditation and How does Meditation work?
Meditation in simple words is a practice that helps you in training your mind to turn inward and bring a sense of inner peace to you. Someone might say it is to focus your mind, but in my thoughts, focus or concentration is a result of meditation. You can focus and concentrate if your thoughts are clear and you have attained inner peace.
Many times, you are told to sit and close your eyes and concentrate on a point and become thoughtless. It is a practice to concentrate, not meditation. Once you open your eyes, you are back to the same damn world.
~Real Meditation Technique, Be Meditative Do Not Just Meditate, How to Remain Meditative, What is Meditation, How does Meditation work ~
I went to a meditation session at a place where the teacher there was teaching spirituality and meditation. People did some yoga and 60 minutes of meditation. When the session was over, this one person was shouting and abusing people for some parking issue. Do you think that this person would have ever understood the importance of meditation?
Meditation is all about observing our thoughts and emotions. It is okay to vent out and be in your real nature. You are not forced to suppress. However, there is no reason to show off that you are meditative and practicing meditation. In the name of Yoga, people are teaching simple aerobic exercises and earning money. It is simply selling fruit with an organic label. Yes! it is the same.
In Hinduism, Yoga has 8 parts and before you get into real exercise, you need to tone your personal and social behavior. I have written a post on 8 limbs of yoga, that you must read.
Meditation is a lifelong process. Trust me, you can become meditative but cannot meditate.
In one of my blogs on Swami Vivekananda, I discussed it when Swami Vivekananda asked him to teach him the highest meditation technique. His teacher Ramakrishna Paramhansa asked him to serve humanity. Yes! A selfish mind will work on personal meditation, however, a real meditative mind will look at everyone with empathy and love.
How to Remain Meditative Every Moment?
Many people complain that they do not get time to meditate. I saw that as a problem with me as well. I was not able to allocate time to sit in a place, close my eyes, and controlling breath and do meditation. I had issues concentrating on my mind. I was unable to do so.
I started looking at my lifestyle and started looking at what I think, how I behave, and how I talk to people. I found myself being very judgmental and looking at everything negatively. I had many subscriptions to watch videos and was following many Social Media platforms and the information was flowing from different sources. This would make me feel very negative. Trust me, on Social Media, 80% of the content is either spreading negativity or nudity. The day, I started leaving these social media platforms, I found my brain to be calm. I gave it the term “Ignorance is bliss”.
I see that everyone is in a Rat Race for making money. That is a point of stress in your mind. You meditate for 30 minutes and the 31st minute your mind tells you to get on to your track in the same race.
After I realized, what I need and what should I do for it, I found myself meditative. I picked up things that I liked to do and that can have a positive impact on my life. Like, reading books, writing down my thoughts, and even making long rides is a kind of meditation for me. While reading and writing, I turned myself inward. Now, it does not impact, what people are thinking or saying about me. I was not wasting my time anymore watching rubbish movies or scrolling through short videos.
~Real Meditation Technique, Be Meditative Do Not Just Meditate, How to Remain Meditative, What is Meditation, How does Meditation work ~
~Real Meditation Technique, Be Meditative Do Not Just Meditate, How to Remain Meditative, What is Meditation, How does Meditation work ~
Many people are frustrated because they could not do what they wanted to do in their lives. I am at least fortunate enough to find a cause to work on. Trust me, this does not make my mind wander. Do you think it is meditative? Please comment.
To meditate in the morning, you put an alarm clock. Using an alarm clock is like forcing your body to do something that it is not tuned for. So, first, tune it to follow basic things. Manage your time and biological clock, your eating habits, your sleeping habits, and whatnot.
See, there is a problem and that is nowhere but, in our brain. We know the problem, we know the solution, but, we do not want to follow the solution. So, we try to soothe it soothe with the view that meditation will help.
You are suffering from sleep issues, you are lying in bed, but, unable to sleep. Why are you forcing your body to sleep in that case? Start doing something positive, listen to calm music, maybe read something, or develop a skill. Trust me, sleep problems and stress issues will go away. You are the only one who is stopping yourself from being meditative.
Develop Love and Empathy for Others
In this post, I want you to feel something “God is there in Everyone” the principle of Advait by Adi Shankaracharya. I have discussed in my post on Swami Vivekananda and How Narendranath became a Monk?
This is my other idea to remain meditative every moment of your life. If you do not have love, empathy, and respect for other beings, forget about being meditative. Do not judge people or their actions, rather realize it as what if you were in the same condition? This is self-realization for me. Think, what you would have been if you were in that situation.
In some debates, people talk about beggars. People talk about whether begging is good or bad, whether should we give money to them or not. Too much to discuss. However, if you think, what would you do, if you were in the situation? Immediately, your perspective would change.
~Real Meditation Technique, Be Meditative Do Not Just Meditate, How to Remain Meditative, What is Meditation, How does Meditation work ~
~Real Meditation Technique, Be Meditative Do Not Just Meditate, How to Remain Meditative, What is Meditation, How does Meditation work ~
Yes! People are cheating you, they are speaking lies to you. However, if you think positively, it is not harming you in any sense, your morality is still at the top. The person cheating is morally downgraded. That person needs help, try to help him. Because, we do not care about others, why should they care about us? You are getting the same thing, which you are giving to society. Directly or Indirectly. Then 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and even 5 hours of meditation is not going to help.
I have written this blog with my personal experience. If you have to be meditative, it is not just a 30-minute practice. It is changing your thoughts and your behavior towards others. This helps you in remaining meditative every moment of your life. Do something that interests you, but, make sure it affects your life positively. Watching a nasty movie and then going for a 30-minute meditation session is not okay. Forcing your body to do something which it is not tuned for, is not okay.
This blog is meditative through moral upliftment. Not any practice, so, there will be comments by people running a business for meditation. Let it be, I am not concerned.
What are your thoughts? Please comment and suggest improvements. I will definitely work on your suggestions. If you liked this post, please share with your friends and family. We have created video as well on meditation. What Sadhguru has said on meditation.